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Core Partner:
Vincent Loh先生有23年的翻译行业项目管理经验,先后在欧洲、日本、东南亚的翻译公司就职,其最近的一份工作是某欧洲大型翻译公司驻华首席代表。他在译员能力测试、翻译项目管理、翻译流程监控方面有非常丰富的经验。
Mr. Vincent Loh has 23-year experience in project management in language service. He worked in language service providers in Europe, Japan and Southeast Asia with his latest position as the Chief Representative of a large European language service provider in China. Mr. Vincent Loh is highly experienced in proficiency testing of translators/interpreters, translation project management and translation process monitoring.
General Partners
The Company has 4 Chinese General Partners and 6 overseas General Partners.